What follows are some top-level guidelines for logo and mark usage:
- Do not use effects (like drop shadows) on logos or marks
- Do not place the logos or marks on conflicting backgrounds (i.e., those with similar colors)
- Do not rotate the logos or marks
- Do not stretch or skew the logos or marks
- Do not recreate the logos with unapproved typefaces
For additional use restrictions and other instructions, please consult the South Arts Brand Guide, available in PDF form in the section below.
Brand Guide
For the sake of consistency across all platforms and publications, please download the style guide and consult it as you develop print or digital content in conjunction with our brand.
Download our Brand Guide
South Arts Logo

The South Arts logo has two versions: one primary text version, and an abstracted mark. The text version should be used at all times when South Arts is not referenced in the print or digital collateral in question. Avoid using the abstracted mark without prior contextualization or reference to South Arts.
A file containing color, black-and-white, greyscale, and other versions of the South Arts logo is available for download below.
Download South Arts Logo
Individual Brand Treatments
Individual brand treatments have their own logo and color palette.
Because these treatments include attribution text beneath the program name, there is no need to include an additional byline referencing South Arts nearby on your collateral. As of now, Southern Circuit and Jazz Road are the only programs that have individual brand treatments.
Southern Circuit Logo

Download Southern Circuit Logo
Jazz Road Logo

Download Jazz Road Logo