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Skye Tafoya

Emerging Traditional Artists Program

A printed design of geometric shapes that progresses through colors that are blues, purples, and pinks.

Recipient Information


Cherokee, North Carolina


Printmaking, screen-printing, digital design, and basketry

Year of Award


Grant or Fellowship

Emerging Traditional Artists Program

Grant Amount


Rhiannon ‘Skye’ Tafoya (Eastern Band Cherokee and Santa Clara Pueblo) from Cherokee, North Carolina employs letterpress printmaking, screen-printing, digital design, and basketry techniques in creating her books, prints, and paper weavings. Both of her Tribal heritages, cultures, and lineages are manifested in her two- and three-dimensional artworks that range in size from a few inches to a few feet. She is inspired by her family history of basketry and observing her father and maternal grandmother weave baskets from red willow, honeysuckle vine, and white oak. While her inspiration comes, in part, from Tribal traditions, her artworks are decidedly contemporary, featuring sharp lines and bold colors. Skye creates with the intention to combat erasure by sharing personal and familial stories, her own cultural learnings along with sporadic and intentional usage of the Cherokee language.